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Complex Silence 38

a cctrax selection Download album  Size81.60MB
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Label:Treetrunk Records            
Licensehttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0  more info

Treetrunk Records  (Label) says:

If your August is feeling hot and sticky, then prepare yourself for a cool and refreshing ambient rain shower as only ambient master Ran Kirlian can conjure up.
Or, draw yourself a bath, light some candles, and perhaps snuggle up with a significant other and soak into this floating, drifting, comforting cocoon of sound.
In any of these scenarios (or whatever escape you choose to lose yourself in), Ran's music is equally able to provide a soothing balm--a spacey and wondrously delightful atmosphere.
There's really no reason to say anything else; the musical experience is far better than a wordy description. After a few minutes of listening, you won't need further convincing.

Thank you, Ran for this beautiful addition to the Complex Silence seri