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Robert Farrugia
    Country Malta

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Mist EP Mist EP
Phosphenes Phosphenes
They Glistened Sharply Through Morning Dew They Glistened Sha...

Robert Farrugia (born 30 November, 1994) is an Ambient/ Experimental/ Neo-classical artist. His work is mainly influenced on the styles of Hammock, Sigur Rós, Stars of the Lid and Brian Eno . His works are based mainly on vast Soundscapes integrated with piano tracks and to a certain extent, voice-over samples.

All of Robert Farrugia’s material is completely home recorded. One can see that a minimalistic approach in his music is certainly prominent, ultimately creating rather soothing and extensive soundscapes. Methods of productivity in his music result in a certain set of distinct sounds, creating a rather unparticular and unexampled identity.


Indexed releases (3)